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Empowering Change

Your gift today improves access to hope for more Torontonians…

The Mission of Lumenus Community Services is to create seamless, guided access to mental health and developmental expertise and services for Toronto’s children, parents, youth and young adults transitioning into adult services. We need your help to build the capacity required to fulfill our Mission. Your gift will speed and ease system access for our most vulnerable neighbours. More Lumenus capacity equals more expertise and programs, more system guides and more services integration, so that no child, youth or individual has to wait alone, navigate the system alone or give up trying to find help as so many do.

You can read the full appeal letter here.

Foundation Office:

40 Orchard Blvd. Suite 255, Toronto ON, M4R 1B9 
Charitable Registration # 890358179 RR 0001

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